Saturday, March 20, 2010

We're getting there.

Here's what you've all been waiting for! Our third biennial one day speculative fiction get together of writers and readers.

This is a must visit for Western Australian writers and fans of speculative fiction - a chance to meet writers and editors for a low entry fee. Tea and coffee and cheap lunches available.

Why come? Because the more opportunities for fans and writers of speculative fiction to get together the better. You'll be able to mingle with established authors and editors, sit in on discussion panels, meet up with other fans and buy books.

When is it? From 10:00 am to 5:00 pm on Sunday 2 May, 2010.

Where? At Katharine's Place, the home of the Katharine Susannah Prichard Writers' Centre, 11 Old York Road, Greenmount, WA 6056. This heritage listed building, perched near the top of Greenmount, was the home of well known Australian writer Katharine Susannah Prichard.

Who will be there? Established Western Australian writers and editors from all areas of speculative fiction - science fiction, fantasy, dark fantasy and horror. Lee Battersby, Lyn Battersby, Sonia Helbig, Sue Isle, Juliet Marillier, Bevan McGuiness, Carol Ryles and more have signed up to participate in discussion panels such as "Should WA writers use WA settings?" "Stuck in the mud - dealing with writers block and other difficulties" and "Romance in fantasy". Take the opportunity to meet the guests and fellow-enthusiasts and find out what’s happening on the Western Australian speculative fiction scene.

We’ll be posting the program with a complete list of participants and other details here over the next few weeks. Don't forget to check in.

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